book arts, collage, Mixed media art

Catching up with my latest book art

^Pages in progress for the Asian Inspiration board book.

I am once again dithering about whether to continue on Substack or go back to only here. Each has its frustrations and plusses. I haven’t been inspired to blog lately, even as my birthday came and went and my 19th blogiversary sped by, the longest dry spell by far, and it makes me wonder whether I want to continue with a blog at all. If you follow me on Facebook, you pretty much get the gist of what my life is like, but on my blog, I go into more detailed thoughts and minutia of the day-to-day.

Lately I have been in a creative whirl so life has been good. I joined the print co-op studio at Greensboro Cultural Center again in mid-February and it was the best possible thing I could have done. I finished two WIPs – one was a new board book that I had barely begun in an online class of Sharon Payne Bolton’s a couple of years ago called “Between the Pages.” I settled on a Asian inspired design theme since I had so many beautiful papers and ephemera to mine.

Then I moved on to rebind and add a lot of content to the Pocosin National Wildlife Refuge book I made in Dan Essig’s mica book class at Pocosin School of Art in 2016. A couple of years ago I noticed it had become loose and without really thinking it through I cut the binding apart. Then I realized that I had bound some of the pages as signatures and then glued them together. I had a lot of problem solving to do with this one, since all the pages are different widths and some were single sheets and some were signatures glued together. By the time I finished I was glad that I rebound it because I learned a lot. I also learned that I’m not as fond of working with mica as I once was!

Mica is hard to photograph and I’m not an experienced videographer so please excuse the wobblies.

I have a lot more to post here: my ongoing “100 Days of Stitch Meditation” with Liz Kettle, and my most recent weekend trip to John C. Campbell Folk School for “Decorative Weaving on River Stones” with Pattie Bagley. Stay tuned.

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