London, London/Cornwall 2024, UK

London, May 16, 2024

This morning, after our coffee and pastries downstairs, we headed to the Natural History Museum.

The geology and rock rooms were the most fascinating to me, although I guess my vertigo distracted me and I didn’t take any photos. The room in the back of the rock and mineral hall had a vial of stardust that was billions of years old.

blue whale skeleton hanging over the entrance hall

We walked through the dinosaur room pretty quickly.

We had a light lunch in the cafeteria in the museum, and again, I was surprised at how good the food was.

Believe it or not, the SAME thing happened on the same street (Queen’s Gate) with the police and the limo. However, this time the windows were darkened and you couldn’t see who was inside.

Since we had all packed for a forecast of rain and cool weather, we had a need for some warm weather clothes. So I got to do another thing that I missed on my previous trip to London – head to Gudrun Sjoden to do some shopping. Other than t-shirts and thrift store clothing, my closet is full of Gudrun Sjoden, but I always have to do mail order, and sometimes it’s disappointing and I have to return clothes. To be able to try on the clothes before buying – YAY. We all enjoyed it and they had to run us out of there after a couple of hours because of a special event.

It was fun to walk around Covent Garden too, but I had to skip the Charing Cross Road bookshops again. One day I’m going to make this happen.

By this time, we were getting pretty comfortable with the tube system and we found a small station that was much closer to our hotel. We were also able to talk to them about how to book the train tickets for Friday, so we went to Paddington Station and did that. I am glad that we did, because it saved us a LOT of money. Buying the three tickets together snagged us a group rate. I would have never guessed it from the web site or app.

For dinner, we decided to go back to the Lillie Langtry. It was much busier and the waiter was cute and friendly – when they are smart they know how to get a good tip out of three American women. It was decided by the group that I had to drink gin and tonics because tonic water would be good for my RLS, so of course I obliged them. This one had cucumbers in it. Football was on, and when we asked, turns out that they are a Chelsea pub. He said that the next night would be crazy in there. Later in the trip we found out about pubs on Friday nights in play-off season.

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