London, London/Cornwall 2024, Victoria and Albert Museum

London, May 14, 2024

We knew that we weren’t going to have time to see much in London – there is SO MUCH to see, so we decided beforehand what we would focus on seeing. The biggest consensus was the Victoria and Albert Museum, so we slept a little late (at least, I did), had coffee and a pastry downstairs, then went to lunch at a friend’s recommended cafe, Coco Momo on Gloucester Road.

I remember only that it was delicious and there is crab and pea shoots on top.

As we walked to the Victoria and Albert Museum, some motorcycle police drove up, stopped us from crossing the street and stopped traffic, and then damned if a limo with King Charles at the back seat window went right by us. It was all over in a flash.

We stayed in the Victoria and Albert Museum until they closed. I think we saw less than half of the free part of it. Susan wandered off on her own, and almost right away Lisa and I stumbled upon “The Edinburgh Seven” tapestry installation by the Dovecot Tapestry Studios in a medieval/renaissance gallery!

There were a few impressive tapestries on display at the V&A. My preference is for modern tapestry, but this 15th century tapestry depicting The Trojan War really blew me away. I had to take detail shots of this one.

Seems like wherever I travel these days, I have the fortune of seeing a fabulous Chiluly. You could see this one as you walked in the front entrance.

This sculpture by Cornelia Parker, titled “Breathless,” is another sculpture hanging over a public space below.

Around 4:00, I was distracted looking for a bathroom and nearly face planted off a step in the gift shop. Over a month later my knee is still sore, but fortunately there was no joint damage, and after sitting out in the garden with a bag of ice on my knee I had no problems walking to the next place, which was Harrod’s! Boy, did I feel like a po’ country girl in the big city. Lisa, however, was celebrating the sale of her house and is very fashion conscious, so she bought a couple of clothes items. I absolutely love the happy expression on my sister’s face.

For dinner and libations, we decided on the Blackbird, which we had spotted near the Earl’s Court tube station. I really wish I had taken photos. We ordered a savory pie sampler for the table, which had chicken, steak and Guinness, and vegetarian pies, along with a lot of side dishes. We were happy campers at a comfy table!

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